Mathieu Genu
Data scientistExperiences
PresentFeb 2025
Freelance Data scientist
Remote working La Rochelle (17), France- Build R packages
- Development of shiny application
- Data wrangling, statistical modelling and visualisation (graphs,maps,...)
- Automated report (pdf/html)
Dec 2024Oct 2019
Research engineer
Observatoire pelagis, UAR 3462, La Rochelle Unversity La Rochelle (17), France- Creating a R package to ease analysis of observation campaign of marine megafauna {pelaverse} .
- Development of shiny application to visualize aerial campaign survey results ( SPEE, Cetambicion, SCANS4 )
- Development of an automated report with rmarkdown querying a database to create an annual report on marine mammal strandings in France.
Research engineer
IFREMER, atlantic centre Nantes (44), France- Projection of fishing managing scenarios of european hake in the Gulf of Lion (mediterranean sea) with ISIS-Fish model.
- Theoritical approach of the use of indicators in ecology
- Introduction to Distance Sampling
- Practical lessons on the use of {Distance} package with R
- Distance sampling with {pelaverse} packages
- Kriging with {pelaverse} packages
- Variance
- Correlation
- Linear regression
Academic background
MSc in Fisheries science
Agrocampus Ouest Rennes (35), France- Bayesian statistical inference
- Fisheries stock evaluation
BSc in Organism biology
Rennes1 University Rennes (35), FranceInternships
Master degree's first year internship (4 months)
Agrocampus Ouest, fisheries and aquatic sciences center Rennes (35), France- Identification of intertidal nurseries in the Bay of Douarnenez (Brittany, France).